By operating a Remote Production or REMI (Remote Integration) workflow and capturing your live video at a remote location, and then delivering it back to your main production facility, you gain numerous advantages. You need only send a small crew out to operate cameras, sound and encoding equipment, avoiding the need for a complex setup wherever you are broadcasting from — atop a mountain, in a farmyard, or on a beach for example. And your centralised team of experts at your main studio can work on several productions in familiar surroundings and with familiar equipment. 

With Remote Production, you not only gain efficiency and agility, but with the cost, technical and resource savings, you can expand the quality of your productions by capturing video content from people and places that you couldn’t previously cover. IP technology and infrastructure has accelerated the use of Remote Production, and Zest Technologies has the solutions for broadcast contribution, return feeds and monitoring to support you.

Zest Technologies

Advantages of Remote Production

  • Centralised resources back at the permanent site means the team are working in a familiar, tried and tested facility – less prone to technical issues by working in a controlled environment.
  • Increased productivity and flexibilitythe ability to produce more than one event on the same day; Morning covering a live football match, bringing back the stadium feeds; Afternoon using the same equipment for a music concert on the other side of the world. No waiting for the kit to turn up, no additional set up and test days.
  • Reduction in CAPEX cost of equipment and reduction in the OPEX/Operational cost – travel, hotel and overtime for starters!
  • Health and well being – often overlooked! Reducing the time away from home and family can only be positive.