Zest Technologies launches to manage video tech needs of UK broadcast contribution market.

Published On: 23 March 2021

PRESS RELEASE: Following the purchase of Garland Partners Limited by LiveU, Zest Technologies  formed to provide continued support and expertise for Garland’s other product  and service offerings.

Alton, Hampshire, UK — On 1 March 2021, Zest Technologies Limited was launched to provide  continued support to the UK broadcast contribution market formerly supported by video  technology solutions provider, Garland Partners Limited (Garland).  

Zest Technologies grew out of Garland, which was co-founded in 2004 by current Zest  Technologies Managing Director, Lorna Garrett, and Malcolm Harland, who is now LiveU’s UK  Country Manager. Zest Technologies was formed to continue to provide all remaining  professional video product and service offerings from Garland’s other world-class partners,  including NTT Electronics, Broadcast Wireless Solutions, Haivision, Vitec, Teracue, and WISI.  

“We’ve brought to Zest Technologies the same renowned commitment to offering the best  solutions and support that our customers expected from Garland,” says Lorna Garrett,  Managing Director of Zest Technologies. “We have a new name and a new look, but we  continue to provide the same level of commitment and expertise.”  

“The formation of Zest Technologies was the culmination of years of working with the best  solution providers around and helping some of the biggest players in the market solve their  video contribution needs,” says Lorna. “Establishing Zest Technologies has allowed us to focus  our expertise and innovative offerings.”  

About Zest Technologies Limited  

Zest Technologies provides best-in-class, quality video contribution solutions to meet its UK and global  customers’ video technology needs, including helping them to reliably deliver high-quality, low-latency video  over any managed or unmanaged IP or satellite network. Zest Technologies is built on a solid foundation of video technology expertise and a strong reputation for dependable, quality service. Customers range in size and application, and Zest Technologies’ strength is its flexibility in matching the right technology to client  needs.

For more information:
Contact (available for interviews):
Lorna Garrett, Managing Director, Zest Technologies

phone: +44(0) 1420 370370
mobile: +44(0) 7836 795667
e-mail: Lorna@zest-technologies.co.uk