
News and Events

Discover: VITEC

24 May 2021|

We love working with trailblazers, those who continue to move our customers’ industries forward. The experts at our partner VITEC are the epitome of visionaries — they are pioneers in ...

Striking out on her own

11 May 2021|

NEWS ARTICLE: TVB Europe - May 2021 Issue: "... Lorna Garrett has launched Zest Technologies to provide continued support for the UK broadcast contribution market. TVBEurope caught up with her ...

Discover: Haivision

12 April 2021|

If you’re in need of mission-critical, real-time video streaming and networking solutions, then we’d like you to meet Haivision. Awarded an Emmy® for Technology and Engineering from the National Academy ...

Discover: NTT Electronics

9 March 2021|

No matter where you go around the world, chances are if you’re involved in the broadcast of a major event, you will find NTT Electronics’ products playing a part behind ...

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